[Book] The Richest Man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon is definitely one of the most valuable books that I’ve read. It’s teaching finance through a plot from an ancient historical record. The stories are inspiring and although it’s using dated-English, it’s still fairly easy to grasp. Some quick notes that I’ve taken from this book:

Income distribution:
10% pay yourself first
20% pay off debt (if any)
70% living expanse

Own your home. The book suggests buying your own property because it is treated as an investment. Instead of spending money on rent, own your house and spend the money to pay mortgage as your property might inflate in the future. If it doesn’t, just think of it as you were paying rent. Continue reading

[Book] One Minute Manager

I just finished reading one minute manager. Unlike other self-development books that present a central idea and discuss points in paragraphs, the audience of this book basically absorbing the new management system by following the journey of a young active learner. It’s as if I was reading a fictional book.

Near the end of the book, I found this little conversation rather interesting:

“I like you, young man,” the manager said. “How would you like to go to work here?”

The young man put down his notebook and stared in amazement. “You mean go to work for you?” he asked enthusiastically.

“No. I mean go to work for yourself like the other people in my department. Nobody ever really works for anybody else. I just help people work better and in the process they benefit our organization.”

It’s similar to a saying that “I have no allies/friends; I only happened to work/play with people that share the same goals/interests as me.” Okay, maybe not exactly that, but the manager’s answer clearly says that he is here to help you grow, not bossing you. πŸ˜€

Here’s the central idea of how this management system work:

It was a fun read. Definitely go check it out!!

[Anime] Comic Girls

Summary Just another slice of life anime that centres four high school mangakas’ story in dorm
Episodes 12
Air run Spring 2018
Audio β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
I really like the voice casts of this anime a lot!! ED is ok-nice, but I always skip OP. (love these two casts: 倧θ₯Ώζ²™ηΉ”, 本渑ζ₯“)
Graphics β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†
Story β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†
This is a bit hard to rate because it doesn’t really have a central storyline (as all slice-of-life anime). It does serve the purpose of relaxing in front of the screen and there were moments. The beginning was a bit cliche and slow, but it turns out to be one of the series I enjoyed the most during the season, so I’m just gonna leave it with a good rating

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Fidget Cube

Fidget cube and fidget spinner both serve the purpose of trying to calm people down and helping people with anxiety. I know fidget cube a bit earlier before spinner become a big hit (which i don’t understand why so high for spinners). But anyways, I like cubes better so this posts will be all about the cubes.

So I got two cubes. The yellow one was about $6.99 from Amazon and the red one is $2 from Dollarama. I got the red one just for fun coz I wanted to see if I was scammed for 6.99 for the golden one. And, I wasn’t. It was more expensive for reasons. The quality of this thing is quite speakable for itself:

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