Android Task Manager – Settings

Phew~ It’s been another long time since the last update again. Real life sucks.

Anyways, the admin has now added a setting page for the control of this little task manager thing. The settings were saved with SharedPreferences, which stores only the username. The other two buttons are for future implementation, which are probably coming pretty soon (i hope).

Aside from that, the admin has got rid of the back button from Log page and slightly modified the layout a tiny bit. Known issue on Android 2.3.3, left and top margin does not scale :(. Seems to work pretty well on Kitkat.

In terms of graphical wise, I finally encountered (sweet) tool that supports transparency (it’s not fucking Fotoshop or any other money eater Pros shit). Gonna experience this tool a little more before giving the final judgements. At the moment though, it’s ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Happy happy~



Android Task Manager – Minor fixes

With a little help from nio (haha, surreal chara.. uuu), the admin had fixed up the three issues mentioned in the last post. Regardless, it brings out some other issues. Designing a responsive UI for android is so hard~~~ Too many different screen sizes and operating systems le la!~~ Anyways, below will be what I will be working on next:

  • pop-up keyboard squeezes the screen in background (ref post)
  • save listview position state (ref post)
  • icon and background

The admin kinda decided that the graphics will be nio-centered at the moment for personal use. The release in google store will be other thing though so… yeah. ‘Don’t know if this project will ever get done before the next semester starts~~~

let's brush off with a laugh (。・ω・。)ノ♡

let’s brush off with a laugh (。・ω・。)ノ♡