Skateboarding is so much fun!

I don’t know what to write, but since it’s gonna be the last day of June and I have to end the month by visiting a dentist, I thought I might as well log something that’s more interesting.

So, up till this point, I’ve got 3 skateboards now and are used for the following purposes:

Skateboard Purpose
Grand Gopher To travel and cruise around places.
7″ Enjoi This one is just a looker. A decoration if I may. 🙂
Zero Actual board for learning tricks.

Since the day was kinda sunny/cloudy and the parking lot was empty, I had a bit fun cruising around in circle lol. I’m still super noob to this area, but I hope to be better someday. Fighting! 😛

How to Frontside Powerslide

This is a one of skills that helps you slow down stylishly. This post is going to focus on frontside only because it’s easier than backside. And personally, i think frontside looks more stylish and feels safer. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Pre-requisite: Riding in high speed

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Skateboard Brands

Here are a few Skateboard brands that come as top result from Google. I personally only own a zero and an enjoi, but I’ve heard good stuff about Plan B, Element, and Girl. Definitely gonna keep an eye on them, try out in the local skateshop and maybe take a few one home in the future. 😀

When should you change your skateboard deck?

You should change it when your board gets too soggy or has pressure cracks! If you are into tricks, soggy board (with possibly razor tail) means you won’t have good high ollies because the board can no longer pop up very well. The performance of every single pop trick will be affected. Also, if you notice any pressure cracks near or in between the trucks, you should replace it for safety concerns.

Everyday use for cruising is fine as long as the board is still in one piece. Soggy or not won’t matter much in this case. To see if your board is too soggy for tricks, try tapping the tail to the ground and listen to the sound. Soggy boards have a staler sound while good-conditioned ones sound more snappy and crispy.

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What size of skateboard should you get?

You only need to know that wider decks are easier to land and thinner decks are easier to flick. Generally speaking, 7.5 to 8 inches are good for beginners.

When talking about the size of skateboards, people are normally referring to the width of the deck. While there are many sites point out references in relation to the shoe size, it really comes down to personal choice.

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